We house a fleet of snowshoes and poles that residents of the greater Colebrook area are welcome to use at no charge. This opportunity is made available through a collaboration between Tillotson North Country Foundation, Upper Connecticut Valley Community Coalition, and The Spoke 'n' Word: Bicycle Repair & Advice.
If you would like to borrow snowshoes, come by the shop during normal business hours and check out a pair (or several pair for the entire family!). Just like checking out a book from the library, we will gather contact information and sign the shoes out to you at no charge for a designated period of time (typically 72 hours, but demand will dictate whether shoes can be borrowed for more or less time--don't be afraid to return them early or ask to keep them longer). Late returns and unreturned shoes will lead to charges. Not from the area? We keep a separate collection of MSR snowshoes on hand for rental as well: Shoes rented until we close (2pm or 3:30pm depending on the day)=$7 or up to 24 hour rental=$15. Multi-day rates available at $15 for the first day, plus $7 for each additional day that the shoes are out. |
Upper Connecticut Valley Community Coalition Inc.